Fields of activity

As experienced specialist lawyers for criminal law, we cover the entire spectrum of criminal and misdemeanour law. However, our focus on commercial and criminal tax law means that we specialise in certain areas of criminal law.

Commercial and criminal tax law

Entrepreneurial activity is risky - and not just in economic terms. More and more areas of economic activity are being regulated more and more closely by criminal law …

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Medical criminal law

Medical criminal law has undergone considerable change in recent years. Whereas the focus used to be on allegations of bodily injury or negligent homicide …

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Core criminal law

Sometimes life strikes unexpectedly. In selected cases, we therefore also provide defence in the classic areas of general criminal law …

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Witness counselling

Complex investigation proceedings are almost always accompanied by the questioning of witnesses by the prosecuting authorities. Witnesses can find …

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Victim representation

We not only protect the rights of the accused, but also of victims of criminal offences. This includes filing criminal charges and criminal applications as well as …

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Corporate defence

German criminal law does not (yet) provide for any original criminal liability of legal persons. Only a person can be liable to prosecution …

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+49 89 200 004 729

Frankfurt a.M:

+49 69 7689 1199